Attention arcade or amusement game purchaser!!

This is the next great machine for resorts, indoor malls, and the arcade and amusement games areas of the amusement industry with big gross revenues and with bigger future prospects, with every hot new crane prize award introduced.

Today these giant cranes are played for $2.00 to play or 3 plays for $5.00.But in the future, a new option, 7 plays for $10.00 or 15 plays for $20.00 will be introduced.

Regular operator price of $22,500 each for Skeeball's "The Big One" Giant Crane Unit and the optional rotating sign priced at $2,500 extra also showing our newest longated models Skeeball's multiple Midway Version Giant Cranes Units. Our Midway Version units start at $44.000 for the double and our most popular triple Giant Crane unit is specially priced at $55,000 and our SUPER DEAL $66,000 for the four Giant Crane units.

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